LF333 Brickman & Nadja Lind - Take My Will - Lucidflow (7.2. beatport 7.3. all stores)
Helmut Ebritsch (Many):
". "
John Digweed ():
"good stuff" (will play)
DJ Franksen (plastic city, treibjagd records, sinnmusik, embi music ):
"love this, soothing dub and energizing original. caters for mostly every vibe. good offer!" (will play)
Brickman (Lucidflow):
"" (will play)
Butane (Extrasketch, Little Helpers, Alphahouse):
"thx!" (will play)
Gabriel Le Mar (Liquid Sound Design Records):
"Divin' deep tunes!" (will play)
Liuos (Lucidflow, Cold Tear, spclnch):
"Excellent deep tracks"
D. Diggler (too many, i forgot!):
"Brilliant tracks. Thx ! " (will play)
Giuliano Rodrigues (DUBLUCID):
"amazing sounds here :) finest :D" (will chart) (will play)
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